
On Sundays you can expect a friendly welcome, an inviting service, and relevant, Biblical teaching.  If you feel like wearing your Sunday best or something casual, go for it!  You will likely find shirts and ties, dresses, blue jeans, and shorts.  

We gather collectively as a church to worship Jesus and for discipleship by hearing about Jesus from the Bible, and worshipping Christ through music.  While we understand people worship in different ways, we try to incorporate a blended music style from hymns to modern praise and worship music.  We want you to be comfortable as you worship with us.  The first Sunday each month is when we typically sing more traditional music.  

Communion, Tithes, and Offerings

Each week, we partake of Communion, also called The Lord's Supper.  This was instituted by Jesus with His disciples and observed the first day of the week as found in the New Testament church.  See 1 Corinthians 11:23-36 for a Biblical perspective.

Tithes and offerings are given individually in the Welcome Center box located just inside.